Deep Netts v2.0.1 has been released and is available for free download here
This release brings a number of usability and security improvements:
- The Deep Netts IDE is built on Apache NetBeans v12.6 with very nice user interface (many thanks to awesome work by NetBeans community).
- Deep Netts IDE is available with optional embedded Azul Open JDK 11 in order to fix issues on high resolution screens. Note that all built models and Deep Netts engine work on Java 8, just Java 11 is recommended for best user experience with GUI.
- Fixed several minor bugs in examples and GUI.
- Completely removed Log4J, and now it is using standard Java Logging API in order to eliminate any security threats. Note that Deep Netts users were not affected since it does not use vulnerable features. But it is recommended to switch to v2.0.1 as a precaution.
- API documentation is improved and now includes brief explanations of various settings and algorithms for deep learning.
- More info about all new hot features in v2.0.x is available HERE.

Note that since recently, we provide free licenses for low volume production for registered projects.
To register your project contact us and write a brief description of your project.